Projects we're working on

Free Viewing Scopes at Leo's Landing
A pair of viewing scopes were installed on "The Feather" at Leo's Landing in Spring of 2024.

Native Tree Plantings
We're committed to planting native trees throughout Presque Isle.

Mobi-Mats = Easier Beach Access
Mobi-mats are made of recycled plastic and make going to beach a breeze.

Funding School Group Outings
Students from Perseus House CSE enjoyed a tour aboard the Lady Kate.

Beach Wheelchairs
Help us add another beach wheelchair to the park's existing fleet.

Waterworks Emergency Intake Gear Tower Restoration
The Waterworks emergency intake gear tower saw a drastic facelift in 2018 with grant funding we received from the Dan & Sallie Shipley Charitable Foundation.

Free Viewing Scopes
Sometimes, the park is best seen through a telescopic lens and we believe it should also be free.

Picnic Tables & Charcoal Grills
We’re dedicated to replacing worn-out picnic tables and rusted charcoal grills.

Supporting Lifeguards
Presque Isle Lifeguards are critical to public safety in so much that we do. We are proud to support their scholarship program.

Chronolog Stations
Chronolog Stations at Presque Isle are part of a nationwide citizen project that uses your cell phone camera to create time-lapse documentation of different habitats.